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Pridėti į mėgstamiausiusFast Food Workers Canada

Job Description
Responsible for ensuring customer satisfaction, resolving customer
complaints and addressing any questions or comments that customers
may have. Be able to perform many tasks; taking care of customers'
orders, assemble the orders and act as cashiers. Fast food served
is then served through drive-through windows or over counters in
the restaurant. In some fast food restaurants, such as take-out
establishments, workers may be responsible for serving food on dishes
or trays.

Job Duties
Daily duties: making fresh coffee, replenishing supplies and condiments,
maintaining inventory and taking and distributing food orders. Must
maintain cleanliness in food service areas and throughout food
establishments. Duties may also include notifying kitchen staff of any
food orders or food shortages.

Some fast food employees may have additional responsibilities,
such as operating cooking equipment or preparing cold dishes and
beverages. Workers often use drink-dispensing machines to serve
milkshakes, frozen custards, frozen drinks and desserts. They may also
be responsible for preparing fresh salads or soups.


Knowledge of governmental health regulations and food safety is
required. Food handling and sanitation knowledge is also vital.

Be able to work extremely fast, with rush times during lunch and supper
It is extremely important you show up to work clean, and you wash your
hands regularly.
When you are not attending customers, you are busy restocking, and
mostly cleaning. There is an enormous amount of cleaning work to this
job, as the employees are the cleaning crew for the restaurant as well.
Vardas: Diamond Global
Telefonas: 0035852819333
El. paštas:
Vietovė: Dublin, Ireland
Skelbimo ID: #175094
Skelbimas patalpintas: 2012-07-13
Perskaityta kartų: 11289

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NumerisSMS tekstasSMS kainaParyškinimasParyškinimo trukmė
80876PIP LZSKE Komercinis 1750941.50 GBPKOMERCINIAI paryškinimai
(tik kategorijoje)
1 d.
84459PIP LZSKE Komercinis 1750943.00 GBPKOMERCINIAI paryškinimai
(tik kategorijoje)
2 d.
80556PIP LZSKE Komercinis 1750945.00 GBPKOMERCINIAI paryškinimai
(tik kategorijoje)
3 d.
1398LZSKE6 Komercinis 1750946.00 LTLKOMERCINIAI paryškinimai
(tik kategorijoje)
1 d.
1398LZSKE12 Komercinis 17509412.00 LTLKOMERCINIAI paryškinimai
(tik kategorijoje)
2 d.



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